Birds Are Animals Too.

Mom tried to get us kicked out of the park Sunday by trying to feed the birds during lunch.    

So, first it was a flagrant toss of a chip on the ground.    

Then she tried to act casual about it.  I don’t know how standing like a one-armed scarecrow would convince anyone that feeding the birds was an accident. “Really Ranger Rick, I always stand with one arm outstretched holding one chip.  It’s not my fault the bird took it from me.”   

Bec tried to tell her that we could get kicked out of the park, but she did not believe her…of course it would be wrong to feed the bears and wolves, but it is just a bird right?  Then as we were leaving mom noticed the warning sign, right by her car door…and what was on the sign?  A bear, a wolf, and what’s that in the corner, Oh right, a bird.    

A couple from Texas caught her on film but promised not to turn her in…who knows, we may see her on a wanted poster yet.   

We did get some great pictures of some birds.  Ah, what a mother won’t do so her kids can get some pictures.   

Mom's defiant face, I am your mother and I will do as I please.



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